EME2 asphalt incorporating 15% RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement) has been laid by our NSW asphalt team on a one-kilometre section of Pittwater Road in as a part of Boral’s involvement with “Connect Sydney” on the Sydney Roads Asset Performance (SRAP) contract in the harbour zone.

In a first for NSW, RAP has been incorporated in the EME2 asphalt mix in line with a Transport For NSW (TfNSW) approved concession for the project works.

The work could open the door to further road-paving projects in NSW, resulting in more sustainable roads said Boral Asphalt’s National Technical Manager Carl Topp.

“It’s been a race to deliver EME2 with recycled materials in NSW and we’re the first to successfully deliver it here,” he said.

This flexible pavement solution using EME2 asphalt is a product with French origins and was first introduced into Australia a decade ago. Of note, Boral also pioneered the delivery of the very first Australian manufacture and paving trial of EME2 in QLD in early 2014.

EME2 asphalt also enables reduced asphalt thickness in comparison to conventional dense graded asphalt in structural base course mixes in full depth asphalt pavement design, making it a more sustainable product.

Carl said the road, laid during March-April earlier this year, is part of a demonstration on the TfNSW network that is anticipated to support permanent changes to TfNSW specifications, resulting in further demand for this more sustainable solution.

EME2 Paving - Collaroy, NSW