Boral and John Holland have teamed up to host a Careers Expo, helping local students learn more about the construction sector and pathways for employment.
Students in Sydney spent two days taking part in the Waterloo Integrated Station Development Career Expo, aimed at building interest for students to advance in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects.

Photos from the event in June 2021
The President and CEO of Boral Australia, Wayne Manners, said Boral is thrilled to engage with students who may be inspired to choose a career in construction.
“We are excited to be working with John Holland and sharing our collective insights and expertise with local students,” Mr Manners said.
“This is a great way for us to support schools and get young children excited about the industry and thinking about the many different careers that the construction industry has to offer.”
Activities on the day included interactive demonstrations from engineering, safety and environment teams, and presentations from two Boral employees, Angela Matta and Lauren Manton, on their experience in the industry.
Angela Matta has been at Boral for over 10 years, working in several roles across the business, most recently as a transformation champion and business improvement manager for Boral’s Customer Experience (CX) program.
Lauren Manton is the Production Assistant Manager for Metro East Concrete. She is passionate about the positive change that Boral can deliver for customers, communities and the environment. She is currently supporting the roll-out of Boral’s lower carbon concrete portfolio which encompasses the following products – ENVISIA®, Envirocrete® Plus and Envirocrete®.
Mr Manners added: “At Boral we are committed to diversity and inclusion, and we want to see more women choose a career in the construction industry.
It’s great to have two of our employees speak about their experience in the industry and break down barriers and stereotypes for young women.”
Students who attended the Careers Expo were from Casimir Catholic College, Tempe High School, Marrickville High School and Alexandria Park Community School.
While the purpose of the Careers Expo is to learn about the construction industry and build interest in STEM subjects, safety is paramount.
Safety is the chief focus of all construction activities, not just on construction sites but what happens all around them. Students also had the chance to learn and interact with leaders of safety in the industry.
John Holland Waterloo Station Project Director, Andrew Knispel, said: “It’s a pleasure to be able to host students here at Sydney Metro’s new Waterloo Station site. It is a rare opportunity to showcase the construction of an iconic Sydney project that will elevate our city to international standards.
“There are many skill sets that make a project like this successful, not limited to just engineering and construction, but also includes safety, environment, sustainability and vital support functions in between. We hope the students take what they learn here today and apply them to their careers, which will shape the future.”