Boral Concrete Epping (Wollert)
165 Findon Rd, Epping VIC
Monday - Friday: 6:00-16:00
Saturday: 6:00-12:00
Sunday: Closed
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Boral Wollert Concrete Epping/Wollert Concrete is one of 17 'batch' plants operated by the company across Melbourne.

The plant supplies an average of 400 cubic metres per day to commercial and residential sites around. This equates to around 100 loads via Boral's and contractor concrete 'agitators' (trucks).

The concrete plant has a staff of 25 operators and transport drivers. Raw materials for the plant are supplied by the Boral Wollert Quarry (hard rock) and Boral Bacchus Marsh Quarry (sand).                                                                          

The concrete plant's primary activity is the production of pre-mix concrete for building and construction.

This production process also relies upon aggregates from the neighbouring quarry and sand from the Boral Bacchus Marsh Quarry. Cement from Boral's Waurn Ponds is the differing 'ingredient'.

The site houses several Boral Logistics 'agitators' (concrete trucks) for the delivery of product to customers.

Hours of operation

The Boral Wollert Quarry and Concrete Plant tend to operate between 6:00am to 6:00pm, Monday - Friday and 6:00am to 3:00pm Saturday, but has the flexibility to alter these hours according to customer need.

The two operations tend, however, to operate predominantly from Monday to Friday, and Saturday morning. Hours are determined by both customer demand and the permitted hours of work under the various planning approvals.


The movement of materials is a critical part of Boral's business. As with many large organisations, the ability to transfer volumes of raw resources and finished products is essential to the company's success.

To meet its needs, Boral operates a significant fleet of heavy vehicles and is a customer of a range of haulage contractors across Australia.

Boral recognises the safety obligations accompanying the large scale use of heavy vehicles on public roads. The business tries to ensure the highest standards of driving and vehicle maintenance are obtained to meet this objective.

We encourage all members of the community to give us feedback if they observe behaviour or incidents not aligning with this goal. Specifics such as time, location, vehicle registration and colour help us to further investigate and take appropriate action.

For vehicles associated with the Boral Wollert Operations, you can send us your feedback via email